We have a new event coming up in October full of fun and adventure. This is an all indoor event so you don't have to worry about the cold or wet weather! We will have our monster hunt, and a new attraction called Inkwood with games and lots to do! There will also be food like Pizza and we are looking into having someone do caramel apples! Of course Charlie from Stars Aligned will be there with a special festival flavor.
This Festival is about inclusivity and diversity in our communities. We have chosen a All Hallows Fantasy Festival as a way to demonstrate how many wonderful people are unique and beautiful. We have so much in common with everyone around us.
10AM - 5PM Each Day
You are encouraged to dress up and have fun with costumes and props! Enter the world of Ink Wood and play Carnival styled games with the intriguing characters from the mind of The Dread Pirate Bri.
More information and tickets can be found at Home | Southwest Washington Fantasy Events SPC (swwfantasyevents.com)